Publications & Research
● Bodnar, S. (2023) Introduction to the Special Issue:A Collaborative
Definition of Ecotherapy. Ecopsychology.
● Bodnar, S, et. al (2023) The Environment as an Object Relationship:
A Two-Part Study. Ecopsychology.
● Bodnar, S. (2011) “It’s Snowing Less”: Narratives of a Transformed
Relationship Between Humans and their Environments. In Vital Signs:
Psychological Responses to Ecological Crisis, ed. N.Totton & MJ
Rust, Karnac Press.
● Bodnar, S. (2008) Wasted and Bombed; Clinical Enactments of a
changing relationship to the Earth, Psychoanalytic Dialogues 18
● Bodnar, S. (2007) It’s not easy being Green, Presentense, Spring, 39.
● Bodnar, S. (2010) The Greening of 9D: One Upper West Side family’s
experiment in sustainable living. The Jewish Week, June 25, p. 36.
● Bodnar. S. (2009) Contributions to The Jew and the Carrot.